Be Prepared to Breathe Easy this Forest Fire Season.

This month, our breathing tip continues the theme of being prepared. Once you recognize an extreme heat event, poor air quality, or evacuation due to forest fires, activate your plan!

Have an emergency kit ready, include usual medications and your respiratory action plan medications. Ensure your underlying lung condition is controlled by avoiding triggers and taking your maintenance medications as prescribed. If faced with extreme heat and poor air pollution at the same time, choose staying cool over reducing exposure to smoke. Know where your cool, clean-air shelters are in your community (a mall, community centre or library). Lastly, have a buddy. Check in with each other during extreme weather events.

Book an appointment at the Poplar Clinic to meet with a Respiratory Therapist or Certified Respiratory Educator to create your Wildfire Smoke and Extreme Heat action plan today.


Smoke and Heat. Living with Extremes.


Exercising Safely in the Summer Heat.