Do you work with clients living with chronic lung conditions?
Poplar offers a variety of services that are designed specifically to support people living with chronic lung conditions. Have a look at our Services to see what we can do to help, or download our information pamphlets to share with your clients.

We are building our team of qualified Canadian healthcare professionals. We are looking to collaborate with:
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Instructors (with CRE credential)
Fitness Professionals (Fitness Instructors for Older Adults, Kinesiologists, Rehab Assistants)
Registered Respiratory Therapists
Registered Dietitians
Registered Clinical Counselors /Social Workers
Occupational Therapists
Poplar serves clients who are living with chronic lung conditions. Our professionals must show an interest and ideally have experience with this group. We are located in Vancouver, BC, but you don’t need to be. Connect with clients through our online community while working from home with flexible hours.
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