Vax Facts: Why Should I Roll Up My Sleeve?

Today, we’re diving into a hot topic that affects us all: Vaccinations. You might be wondering, “Why should I bother getting those shots that everyone’s talking about?”  Well, let’s unravel the mystery together.

Guardians of Good Health:

Think of vaccines as the superheroes of the medical world. They train our immune system to fight off nasty bugs, helping to keep us safe from harm. Each vaccine gives us a special shield to defend us from the villains of sickness.

Team Immune system:

Our bodies have an amazing team – the immune system. But, just like any squad, they need training to stay in top-notch shape. That’s where vaccines come in. They teach our immune system to recognize the villains and fight them off.

Protecting You and Others:

Getting vaccinated isn’t just about you; it’s about being a superhero for your family and community too. When more people are vaccinated, it creates a shield of protection over the whole group. It’s like building a fortress against illnesses, making it harder for the bugs to spread.

Keeping Things Cool for Lungs and Hearts:

You know how we love our lungs and hearts at Poplar Pulmonary Wellness! Well, vaccines play a part in keeping our organs happy too. By preventing certain illnesses, vaccines reduce the risk of complications that could affect our respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Easy Peasy Protection:

Vaccines are a piece of cake, especially when you compare them to actually getting sick. One quick shot can save you from a world of trouble. Keep your immune system primed and ready to fight respiratory illnesses with the following vaccines.


The coronavirus has been changing, and changing again. Due to all of these “variations”, we need to keep our vaccines changing as well. To give your immune system the best chances of fighting off that nasty COVID-19 virus, you’ve got to get vaccinated about every 6 months. Don’t get caught with your guard down! To make it easier, you can get the COVID and flu vaccines at the same time. Visit the Immunize BC COVID-19 Vaccines web page or the BC Centre for Disease Control COVID-19 web page.

Flu Shot

This yearly vaccine protects you against the influenza virus. Influenza is a tricky one that changes fairly quickly. We need a new vaccine each year to keep up with it’s changing forms! The best time to get the flu shot is in early November. This gives your body enough time to prepare to fight it off when it’s most common, in the winter months. For more information about influenza, visit the BC Centre for Disease Control Influenza web page or the Immunize BC Influenza web page. For more information about the influenza vaccine, visit the BC Government Immunizations Influenza Vaccine web page.


An updated pneumococcal vaccine was released in February, 2023. If you haven’t received a pneumonia vaccine since then, it might be time to do that! The latest vaccine protects against 23 strains and it requires only one dose (not yearly). Ask your care provider about getting your pneumonia vaccine updated. For more information about the pneumococcal vaccine, visit the Immunize BC Pneumococcal Vaccine web page.


The RSV virus has been around for a long time and is common in children. Like the flu, RSV is also most active in the winter months. A new Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine for adults 60+ was released in August 2023. The RSV vaccine is not covered by the publicly funded immunization program of BC and it costs about $300 for 2 shots. For more information about the RSV virus, visit the BC Centre for Disease Control RSV website. For more information about the RSV vaccine and to book your vaccine, visit the BC Pharmacy Association RSV web page.

Wash Your Troubles Away:

Scrub-a-dub-dub! One of the best ways to protect yourself from infection is by washing your hands regularly. Good hand hygiene can protect you and others by reducing the spread of infection. Learn how and when the best times to wash your hand are, and what products to use by visiting the BC Centre for Disease Control Hand Hygiene web page

For more information about immunizations for adults, visit the Immunize BC welcome page.

Poplar’s Power Tips for Vaccine Success:

  1. Stay Informed: Know what vaccines are recommended for you. Your healthcare team is your best source of info.

  2. Timing Matters: Some vaccines work best when given at certain ages or times of the year. Don’t procrastinate – schedule those shots on time.

  3. Spread the Word: Share your vaccine success stories with friends and family. Be a vaccine champion!

  4. Wash Your Worries Away: Good hand hygiene really does go a long way. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water!

  5. Wellness Boost: Keep your overall health in check. A healthy, active lifestyle enhances the effectiveness of vaccines.

Join the conversation. We are hosting a free, online, Chat n Chew event to talk about vaccinations. Join our small group discussion with prescribing Pharmacist, Duaa, on February 29th from 2-3pm Pacific Standard Time. Visit our Events page to learn more and to join the event.

Did you miss the event? Watch our Chat n Chew Summary with Duaa Elfar on our YouTube channel.

So, there you have it. Embrace the power of vaccinations. It’s like giving your immune system a superhero training session. Let’s stay strong, stay healthy, and continue living our best lung life! Until next time, keep smiling and roll up those sleeves to live your best lung life!


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