Pursed Lip Breathing Technique

Many of us will be more active as summer begins. We may be out and about more often in the nicer weather. This increased activity might be leaving you feeling a little more breathless than usual. Let’s take this opportunity to remind ourselves about the Pursed Lip Breathing technique.

This technique puts focus on the exhale. We exhale through lips that are tight, or puckered, with only a small opening to exhale. This small opening helps us in 2 ways. First, it makes us exhale more slowly, which takes a bit longer. This slows down our breathing which can be calming and gives us back control of our breathing. Second, it creates a slight pressure within the lungs that can help hold open small airways that are prone to collapse. This slight pressure helps us to exhale more fully, making our next breath bigger and full of fresh oxygen-rich air!

If you are not familiar with this helpful breathing strategy, watch our instructional video about the Pursed Lip Breathing technique.


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