Blazing a New Trail at the BCSRT!

On September 28th and 29th, the BC Society of Respiratory Therapists hosted another fun filled Roadshow! Held on the beautiful shores of Lake Okanagan, this 2 day educational event brought Respiratory Therapists together from across the province. We reconnected with old friends and colleagues, we made new connections, and we certainly had a blast! We might even have learned a thing or two.

In the Community Stream, Jenna and Tina shared their challenging journey of creating Poplar Pulmonary Wellness. Their “Blazing a New Trail for Community RTs” talk highlighted the importance of research and patient partner input when developing services and making improvements. Recognizing the value of our unique viewpoint as RTs and being open to feedback can lead you down the path to success. This, and a strong belief that “If you build it, they will come!”

The 2023 BCSRT Roadshow was a wonderful success! With over 20 amazing talks, skills stations, updates, awards ceremonies, and the emotional presentation of the Lynn MacIsaac Leadership Award and Tribute, this event was memorable to say the least. There were impromptu class reunions and trips down memory lane. The evening shenanigans were a highlight and the Farmer’s Market put the finishing touch on this annual gathering.

The world of Respiratory Therapists is not a big one. We are a small group of professionals who often feel like salmon swimming up stream against a larger current of voices. Events like this help to unite us in our common goal of providing valuable care for our clients and patients. These events help to renew our energy and give us connections and guidance in our journeys. There is a bit of an effort involved in attending conferences, but when you go, you know! It is always worth it.

Hats off to the BCSRT and the CSRT for their ongoing support of the Respiratory Therapy profession. Visit their websites for information about celebrating RT Week 2023 (October 22-28th).


Chat & Chew with Danielle, Life Coach


Pulmonary Fibrosis (ILD) Patient Forum